A spreadsheet for you!

Whatever your existential angst or new year's resolution, maybe we have a spreadsheet that can help!

Below are some spreadsheet templates we've made to get to know ourselves better. Some are based on books or articles, others on our own thinking or curiosities.All are free to use! Make a copy of the google sheet file to get started for yourself!

The Energy Audit

What do you love to do? What are you uniquely great at? What do you secretly hate? And how can you use this knowledge to do more of what you love?

The StARTist

Inspired by the book Start More Than You Can Finish by Becky Blades, this sheet will help you value the things you started and what you learned, no matter whether you finished, quit, gave up, put it on hold, or something else entirely.

The "No" Tracker

Some say that "If it's not a hell yes, it's a no!" Others have tried NO-vember, saying NO to all new requests and opportunities for a month. You can use this sheet for your own NO-vember or just to check in on how often you're declining commitments to make room for what's most important for you.

The Decision Tracker

A bit more of a long game than some of the other sheets, this one is for writing down decisions you made so that you can come back and see how they turned out. We don't always remember our decisions accurately in retrospect, so writing them down and returning to them can help us find patterns in how we decide and what we may want to change.

An Email a Day Keeps the Lonelies Away

With platforms promising "connections" and "friends," have we lost track of corresponding with our actual friends? Try dropping a quick email to someone you're thinking of today! Keep track and paste in a quote or memory that made you smile!

Did you try one?

Let us know what you thought! Or nominate a topic for a future spreadsheet! We'd love to hear from you!